About Acupuncture
Acupuncture is based on over 3,000 years of scientific observation and discovery. There are meridians (connected pathways) in our bodies that are similar to blood vessels, but instead of carrying blood, they carry “qi,” (pronounced “chee”) or energy. At certain places along this complex network of meridians there are points that have specific functions where the energy can be accessed. This is where the acupuncturist inserts the needle and unlocks your body’s ancient wisdom and healing.
Sometimes the meridians can get sluggish or clogged, leading to a problem of energy flow. By simply restoring the natural flow, symptoms that you are experiencing can often disappear or diminish. Points are selected based on your symptoms and a variety of factors. Acupuncture is a holistic medicine. If two people have a similar complaint – such as headaches - the points chosen in treatment will be completely different, because the people are completely different. Each session is designed specifically for you and your unique needs.