Healing Philosophy
An acupuncturist will look at your symptoms and try to determine the root cause, as well as how to diminish or decrease the discomfort immediately. We look to the root cause, because of our belief that the body is wise. We are constantly getting subtle signals from our body (headaches, twitching, tingling, thirst, sweat, temperature change, bloating, itching, etc.) if things we are doing are not compatible with good health. Unfortunately, many people learn to ignore these early warning signs until they are in pain or extreme discomfort. The western medical solution might be to simply take an aspirin. Rather than masking the symptom, which will undoubtedly return – perhaps with more serious consequences – the acupuncturist will explore the root cause, thus preventing further symptoms from recurring or worsening.
Sometimes it becomes clear that the body is manifesting certain symptoms because we have not fully let go of something from our past. There are common energetic blocks that can be released, and Sarah can gently guide you to a place of resolution, which may free your body to let go of your physical discomfort. Without the weight of past trauma, you are free to move forward with a lightness of being and with your goals in clear focus.
Sometimes it becomes clear that the body is manifesting certain symptoms because we have not fully let go of something from our past. There are common energetic blocks that can be released, and Sarah can gently guide you to a place of resolution, which may free your body to let go of your physical discomfort. Without the weight of past trauma, you are free to move forward with a lightness of being and with your goals in clear focus.
A lot of what an acupuncturist does is remind the patient of the basics of health, including getting enough sleep, drinking enough water, eating balanced meals and getting enough exercise. Your mother was right! On the other hand, sometimes the signals are pointing to an energetic disturbance that can be addressed easily with needles and moxa. Often, it is a combination of conscious lifestyle changes along with acupuncture. By coming for treatments, Sarah can help to bring you to a new level of health and vitality.